Damon webb – Talk Technologies https://talktech.com Accurate and Private Speech Technologies Fri, 10 Feb 2023 23:02:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://talktech.com/wp-content/uploads/talktechnologies-icon.png Damon webb – Talk Technologies https://talktech.com 32 32 Nationwide demand for voice reporters skyrockets! A six figure career is attainable in as little as six months https://talktech.com/nationwide-demand-for-voice-reporters-skyrockets-a-high-paying-career-is-attainable-in-as-little-as-six-months/ https://talktech.com/nationwide-demand-for-voice-reporters-skyrockets-a-high-paying-career-is-attainable-in-as-little-as-six-months/#respond Mon, 23 Jan 2023 17:29:07 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=12922 steno-court-army
Verbatim Court Reporter Using Stenomask

Verbatim or voice court reporting can be a fulfilling, lucrative career, and with the current shortage, opportunities for young professionals are boundless.

In an age where a college education can mean nearly insurmountable debt and the job market is mediocre at best, court reporting is one career choice that is both affordable and in demand. A precise, accurate record of legal proceedings is a vital part of the justice system so there will always be a need for court reporters to ensure those records exist.

What is voice writing?

Voice writing is a method used for court reporting, and closed captioning. Using the voice writing method, a court reporter speaks directly into a stenomask – a hand-held mask containing one or two microphones and voice-dampening materials. As the reporter repeats the testimony into the recorder, the mask prevents the reporter from being heard during testimony.

Verbatim reporting may involve either real-time feeds of the proceeding or the preparation of a transcript following the proceeding’s conclusion. The stenomask is connected to a laptop computer, which is loaded with the latest speech recognition software, thereby allowing the voice writer’s spoken notes to be translated onto a screen via a real-time feed or into transcript form.

Voice writers enjoy very high accuracy rates, and many are drawn to the naturally effortless appeal of this career. Unlike traditional court reporters who utilize the stenography method of court reporting, voice writers need not learn stenography and shorthand. And, because the act of voice writing is far more streamlined than stenography, these professionals enjoy speeds of up to 350 words per minute.

The Shortage

Projections indicate that the shortage represents nearly 7,700 qualified reporters over the next 5 years. But why would such a lucrative industry experience this kind of shortage?

There are several factors at play:

  • Increased demand in the legal field — increased legal activity has driven the demand for qualified court reporters higher.

  • Increased demand in other industries — A growing number of fields (including business, politics, medicine, professional sports, television and many more) require real-time court reporters and transcriptions of conferences, seminars, and video.

  • Significant retirement rates — The median age of working court reporters is 52 years old. This is ten years older than the median age of workers in all occupations: 42 years old. Additionally, 70% of the court reporting population is 46 years or older. This contributes to significant retirement rates in the industry.

  • Low education and enrollment rates — Court reporting schools across the nation have reported a steady decrease in enrollment over the last two decades. The schools attribute this trend to low-awareness and the push toward four-year degree programs.

  • With high demand, high retirement, and low enrollment, there just are not enough reporters to go around. All these factors contribute to the imminent court reporter shortage, despite the rewarding opportunities the industry offers.

What This Means for Reporters

Current court reporters will experience an increased demand for their services. Court reporting firms and freelance reporters will likely encounter more and more opportunities for business. Some experienced professionals may even find themselves caught up in bidding wars for their expertise. However, as demand rises and professionals retire, court reporting firms and legal firms will find it increasingly difficult to hire qualified, quality reporters.

Prospective court reporters will find themselves entering a lucrative career with boundless opportunity.

There are countless benefits to pursuing court reporting

  • One of the primary benefits of becoming a court reporter is job security. While it might be a stretch to call any job completely safe from economic uncertainty, recession-proof jobs are the ones that stay in demand and don’t get impacted by periods of high inflation or recession. These careers offer high job security in comparison to others and might even thrive, regardless of the economy’s health.

  • Less demanding education requirements — An expensive, four-year college education is not necessary to become a court reporter. While continued education is valuable, you can become a certified voice reporter in as little as 6 months while studying online. Less time in school means fewer loans to repay.

  • High earning potential — The earning potential for a verbatim court reporter right out of school is an average of $55,000 nationwide, and this number drastically increases with experience. In fact, reporters who invest in continued education and advanced certification typically earn six-figure salaries.

  • Freelance options — With the variety of industries in need of court reporters, professionals can create freelance careers. This freelance path can be very rewarding and enables professionals to choose their own hours and create flexible schedules for themselves.

  • Stable career, growing demand and increased opportunities —Young professionals in the field will benefit from the various opportunities of this market. New court reporters will be embarking upon a lucrative and stable career.

For more information on becoming a verbatim court reporter/voice writer visit;


International Realtime Court Reporting Institute

The College of Court Reporting (CCR)

Realtime Voice Training

Cuyahoga Community College

Baton Rouge School of Court Reporting

Arlington Career Institute

Downey Adult School

West Valley College


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The missing piece to your schools emergency response plan https://talktech.com/the-missing-piece-to-your-schools-emergency-response-plan/ https://talktech.com/the-missing-piece-to-your-schools-emergency-response-plan/#respond Wed, 03 Aug 2022 18:26:04 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=12246 Throughout our educational system additional strategies must be deployed to reduce the risk to school students and staff. We have observed through studies of mass shootings that information dissemination in a timely manner is critical to saving lives and reducing the golden hour medically.

Communication and leveraging technologies to enable an expeditious capability for processing information is crucial. The tools need to be in place not only before an event, not only during an event, but after an event. We’ve got to be able to talk. We’ve got to be able to communicate. If something happens, teachers and students must be able to communicate with emergency resources and personal contacts to get them into a safe place and to monitor issues inside the building. In addition, we must be able to contact any other resource needed from the first responder community in a timely manner.

However, in the event of a lock down the school procedure checklist mandates everyone to remain completely silent along with the silencing of all cell phones and other electronics. How then does a teacher or student communicate in real time with outside resources while remaining completely silent? Even if they can communicate, they risk being compromised in a deadly environment.
There is a simple yet extremely effective solution.

Privo is a voice silencing handset microphone that performs in the exact same manner as the world’s best sound booths only in miniature form – thus allowing one to verbally communicate without being overheard by others while simultaneously eliminating all background noise, something absolutely critical in any emergency communication plan. Privo can connect wired or wireless to a smartphone, computer, intercom or 2-way radio.

Privo for students, teachers, and school staff during an emergency lock-down situation

  • Call emergency services, outside resources, other staff, without being overheard and in turn not further alarming already scared and distraught students and staff
  • Remain on the line and actively communicate in real time in the same manner you would in any emergency situation without exposing your location and current situation.
  • The ability to verbally communicate with professional, calm, and collected individuals to prepare, guide and advise you on the situation and actions required
  • Blocks loud ambient noise ensuring crystal clear voice communication
  • Simple, user-friendly technology – simply power on, leveraging existing infrastructure and technologies to connect to your desired device, and begin speaking privately within seconds
  • Cost effective, zero maintenance solution to overcome complicated and cumbersome challenges during high-risk situations.

Keeping students and campus personnel safe should be at the top of every school’s agenda. Given the duration of most school attacks, it is crucial to have prevention efforts and critical communication response plans in place. Privo is a vital tool helping your school overcome its critical crisis preparedness shortcomings.

Talk Technologies is the world leader in private voice communication and has been supporting schools and school districts for over 30 years. Our specialized microphones are used by schools, industry, and government institutions in every state across the USA and around the World. We offer deep educational and non-profit discounts and can work within any educational budgetary limit. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions regarding products and the role they can fulfill in the requirements to enhance school safety and security into the future.


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Privo – A revolutionary tool for individuals with physical limitations and language based processing differences https://talktech.com/privo-a-revolutionary-tool-for-individuals-with-physical-limitations-and-language-based-processing-differences/ https://talktech.com/privo-a-revolutionary-tool-for-individuals-with-physical-limitations-and-language-based-processing-differences/#respond Mon, 05 Jul 2021 20:43:01 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=11301 Individuals with physical limitations and language based processing differences can now freely and confidently complete their notes, projects and exams alongside their peers

they use them at my daughter’s school, which specializes in Dyslexia. You get twelve 8th graders all using voice-to-text in a classroom… these things are a lifesaver.

Speech recognition is extremely beneficial for individuals with physical limitations and language based processing differences however it has been inconsistently implemented over the years. The latest speech technology has improved by leaps and bounds in regards to ease of training and use. It is now surpassing human accuracy rates. If you haven’t used speech recognition lately it is time to take another look.

There are two major issues when using speech recognition. Privacy and accuracy.

How can one use their voice without being overheard and at the same time eliminate background noise to attain optimal speech recognition accuracy rates?

Privo (preevoh) is a wireless speech recognition handset microphone that allows you to use speech technologies privately and accurately anywhere. We are seeing a dramatic increase in individuals and organizations embracing this technology. Individuals with physical impairments and learning disorders can now freely and confidently use speech technology alongside their peers, thus giving them a leg up as speech recognition dramatically improves productivity and engagement.

People that can benefit from Privo include users with:

Language-based processing differences like Dyslexia and Dysgraphia
Repetitive strain injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
Poor or limited motor skills handwriting or using a keyboard is difficult or not an option due to low vision or physical impairment
Vision impairments
Physical disabilities
Limited English Language

The benefits of using Privo include improved access to the computer, increased writing skills, improved test scores and grades, increased independence, decreased anxiety towards writing and improvements in core reading and writing abilities.

Improved access

For people with motor skill limitations, physical limitations, blindness/low vision, or other difficulties accessing a standard keyboard and mouse, hands-free computing through the use of speech recognition technologies are extremely beneficial. By removing the physical barriers to writing and navigation of the computer, you can increase access to technology and inclusive activities.

Assistive speech recognition microphone for the classroom

Increased writing skills

For students with language based learning differences, speech recognition technology can encourage writing that is more thoughtful and deliberate. Studies with middle and high school students with learning disabilities have shown that input via speech is less challenging and that students frequently generate papers that are longer and better quality using speech recognition technologies.

Privo used in conjunction with a documentation program such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs reduces the difficulties that students face with writing mechanics. Because students can write naturally with speech recognition it eliminates potential obstacles such as difficulty with handwriting or the need to transcribe thoughts while brainstorming. Often writers with learning disabilities will skip over words when they are unsure of the correct spelling leading to pieces of writing that are short, missing key elements, or not reflective of the student’s true abilities. Speech recognition and word processing alleviate these concerns by allowing the student to get their thoughts out without worrying about these or other technical writing components.

Increase test scores and grades by decreasing anxiety

Privo removes the fear associated with writing tests and completing assignments. Test questions can be read aloud to the student eliminating any confusion concerning their connotative meaning while answers can be completed via voice without being overheard thus allowing the student to confidently complete tasks in a timely, grammatically correct and organized format.

In addition to allowing the student to work in a more independent manner, Privo allows students to voice write without fear of being overheard helping them avoid the anxieties associated with feeling embarrassment about their writing.

For students who are English Language Learners or are learning a second language it allows them to practice pronunciation in a safe, low-stress environment. Students can engage in multiple repetitions of an unfamiliar word without worrying about feeling embarrassed.

Increased independence

For students with physical limitations, poor motor skills or learning differences, a human transcriber or teacher assistant is a low-tech solution for the classroom that allows the focus to shift from the physical act of writing to expressing thoughts and knowledge. However, a transcriber makes the student dependent upon a teacher or aide for writing tasks. Students who use transcribers for writing often report spending less time planning and organizing because they felt they were keeping the transcriber waiting, or felt embarrassment about making mistakes or asking for multiple readings of what was written. Using speech recognition allows the student to be more independent in their writing and other academic activities.

Improvements in core reading and writing abilities

Privo can also serve a remedial function for students in the areas of reading and writing. In allowing students to see the words on screen as they dictate, students can gain insight into important elements of phonemic awareness, such as sound-symbol correspondence. As a student speaks and sees their words appear on the screen, the speech recognition directly demonstrates the relationship between how a word looks and sounds. This bimodal presentation of text can be especially helpful for students with learning disabilities, and is thought to be why speech recognition has been found effective in remediating reading and spelling deficits.

Another key benefit is the error correction process. As the text is recorded it requires user to check the accuracy of each word uttered as sentences are being dictated. When an error is made the student must find the correct word among a list of similar words and select it. This process necessitates that the user examine the word list closely, compare words that look or sound alike and make decisions about the best word for the specific situation. This can give kids a boost in reading and spelling as they learn to discriminate between similar words.

We have these at TRAID, they work awesome! Very accurate and quiet, the person next to the user cannot overhear”  David Selover- Assistive Technology Coordinator TRAID Center

“Comfortable and effective device! This works great in the classroom. My students can confidently use speech technology without bothering anyone around them” M. Shain, Tulane University 

Below is a review from a major assistive tech advocate in the UK – Ted Pratt.

I have just spent some time evaluating this product from Talk Technologies and must say that I was very impressed with the results.

Essentially it is a very special microphone for use with Dragon or indeed any propriety Speech to Text software.

It allows a student, or in fact anyone who needs to use speech to text under difficult circumstances such as :-

a) In a private capacity whilst in a classroom or lecture theater environment.

b) In a very noisy environment.

During tests I carried out I found that when the microphone was being used the person sitting next to me could not hear my voice at all, also with the radio turned up loud in close proximity to me I was still able to get 100% accuracy with Dragon.

The microphone has been used in Canada and the States for some time assisting students with specific learning difficulties, especially those with conditions such as Dyslexia and Asperger’s.

The mask can easily be cleaned with propriety cleaning products but a Hygiene pack is also available where masks have to be interchanged for different users.

Live demonstration video

https://talktech.com/privo-a-revolutionary-tool-for-individuals-with-physical-limitations-and-language-based-processing-differences/feed/ 0
The best noise-canceling, privacy microphone just got better https://talktech.com/the-best-noise-canceling-privacy-microphone-just-got-better/ https://talktech.com/the-best-noise-canceling-privacy-microphone-just-got-better/#respond Wed, 30 Jun 2021 16:26:37 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=11304

Keep private conversations, transcriptions and recordings private!

A recent study found that voice technology usage is skewed towards private spaces. When you consider that almost all innovations in voice tech aren’t designed for privacy it shouldn’t be particularly surprising. It does, however, reflect a reluctance about using voice in public as 80% of regular voice users stated that they were worried about others listening in on the conversations they have.




Pocket sized sound booth



Talk Technologies (talktech.com) the international leader in voice attenuating microphones, recently launched a new wireless privacy handset. Privo (pree-voh)  allows you to verbally communicate and transcribe in complete privacy, anywhere.

Privo eliminates background noise and makes the sound of your voice inaudible to those around you while simultaneously providing a crystal-clear voice signal – allowing you to talk, listen and document privately without interference. Built from premium materials that are durable and stay comfortable all day. Privo is a pocket-sized sound-booth providing complete privacy and noise cancellation at home, in the office or out in public.

Privo comes standard with Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity and is compatible with IOS and Android smartphones, tablets, computers or any wireless microphone enabled device. It can be used in conjunction with any voice application or speech recognition software such as Dragon. Use it to make private phone calls, verbally compose emails, text messages and documents, interact with smart devices such as Alexa- all without being overheard! The rechargeable lithium-ion battery provides up to 12 hours of continuous talk time and if it happens to run low Privo can be used while charging. Plug noise cancelling headphones into the audio jack to create your own personal soundproof bubble

 –  Protect your personal and confidential conversations wherever you are.
 –  Provide clear and consistent audio quality – at work, in restaurants, open offices, in transit – or any noisy or public place. 

Privo details

  • Uncomplicated/user friendly technology – simply  power on, connect to your desired device and begin speaking privately within seconds
  • Seamless connectivity- Bluetooth version 5.0 with range: Up to 30 m (100 ft)
  • Privo is compatible with IOS, Android, Windows, Mac and all speech recognition software and apps
  • Wireless SmartMic technology- the industry’s most accurate microphone provides crystal clear sound
  • Audio- standard stereo 3.5 mm. headphone jack and included single ear bud allow you to talk and listen naturally
  • Privo has advanced audio capabilities which allow for streaming audio such as music from your smart device
  • Talk longer- Class leading battery gives up to 12 hrs active use on a single charge
  • Privo can be used while charging – mini USB-C charging cable included. Complete charge time 2 hours
  • High quality materials- Lightweight construction and soft leather enhance comfort and durability
  • Ergonomic design- Elliptical ergonomically designed face piece, for a superior acoustic seal
  • Removable and interchangeable parts for cleaning ease and personalization
  • Ready to travel- Privo is pocket sized for easy transportation


– NO more “muffled and confusing” whispering.
– NO more ambient noise distractions for your listeners and recordings.
– NO more disrupting others around you.



About Talk Technologies: Talk Technologies Inc. founded in 1947 designs, manufactures and sells Stenomasks to business, industry and institutions around the world. Some of our valued clients include: U.S. Army Inspector General- Pentagon, U.S. Naval Justice Institute, National Guard Counterdrug Task Force, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and the NYC Department of Education.

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Quality audio is critical for the success of the post-pandemic classroom. https://talktech.com/quality-audio-is-critical-for-the-success-of-the-post-pandemic-classroom/ https://talktech.com/quality-audio-is-critical-for-the-success-of-the-post-pandemic-classroom/#respond Wed, 26 May 2021 17:00:55 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=11275

At the peak of the pandemic crisis the global education system saw almost 1.6 billion children in 195 countries unable to access physical classrooms. Yet as schools emptied, learning didn’t grind to a halt – modern technology solutions facilitated the online learning experience for education systems worldwide.

‘To drive continuity in learning, the adoption of online video conferencing, learning-management platforms and virtual assessment tools have skyrocketed.’

Today many educational institutions are evaluating the return to the classroom or are transitioning back to a mix of both online and in-person teaching. This presents a clear opportunity for innovation and improvement. New ways of living, working, and learning have been unlocked and students and educators are increasingly looking to implement hybrid learning models that can enrich the learning experience. 

The compelling case for shifting to hybrid

To drive continuity in learning, the adoption of online video conferencing, learning-management platforms and virtual assessment tools have skyrocketed. Many educators and students today are embracing a more hybrid approach having recognized its inherent benefits. The use of virtual collaboration tools will be a table-stake in the future as the impact of digital technologies has already reshaped education forever.

More widespread implementation of online curriculums is an opportunity to improve the quality and reach of education—to make it more inclusive and equitable. Hybrid learning can often level the playing field as there is an opportunity to universalize education for some of the most vulnerable and marginalized population groups.

Beyond that, there are clear cost savings associated with remote learning. This has been made possible by reducing reliance on physical resources and minimizing travel time. Students are also able to learn at their own pace and can catch up or revisit a topic with ease. Alongside this, going digital means that educators can improve the quality and relevancy of their curriculum by updating resources and materials in real time.

Other longer-term benefits are also becoming clear. Learning and collaborating online is helping to prepare students with the kind of organizational acumen, emotional intelligence and self-discipline needed for future professional employment. In fact, two-thirds of US students would welcome more online classes post pandemic. And 61% in the U.S. say that online courses can be just as legitimate as face-to-face courses, when well designed. Hybrid models also correlate positively with staff retention, a UK survey concluded that because of the shift to online learning, the percentage of senior teachers planning to leave the profession has halved since 2019.

Why robust audio matters

Regardless of where it takes place, effective learning is dependent on student engagement. When compared with the physical classroom, there are a myriad of potential issues that can arise with distanced learning, this includes poor Wi-Fi connectivity, distorted video, and interruptive background noises. While video and content have played a pivotal role in ensuring teachers and students can connect, the importance of high-quality audio is often overlooked. Hours of online classes mean students need to focus harder to process non-verbal cues like facial expressions, body language and the auditory tone; the strain of which can often lead to cognitive fatigue.

‘While video and content have played a pivotal role in ensuring teachers and students can connect, the importance of high-quality audio is often overlooked.’

Poor audio experiences can compound this further – acting as a drain on students’ emotional and mental wellbeing – negatively affecting the ability to focus. The impact of these poor audio experiences is potentially significant. EPOS found that 35% of end-users feel frustrated, irritated, and annoyed because of unsatisfactory audio equipment, while 25% cite the experience as stressful.

When it comes to hardware, many students rely on consumer-grade headsets with questionable durability, limited IT support and manageability. Add to this the challenges presented by noisy environments (whether dorm rooms, houses, cafes), and the problem of multiple participants speaking at the same time, and the predicable result is fatigue and lack of motivation.

Need for connectivity, audio, video devices

The need for better connectivity and robust audio and video devices to facilitate seamless learning has never been more pressing. There are significant benefits associated with pairing professional headsets with learning software. The right tools can deliver a stable experience, regardless of noise levels, by making use of both active noise cancellation and passive noise dampening. They can also go a long way in eliminating miscommunication and reducing the need for repetition.

The digitization of schools was already underway before the pandemic, with the widespread introduction of tools like interactive whiteboards and Chromebooks. But the pandemic will be remembered as a great accelerator of these trends. Over the past year, the education sector was forced to react quickly, often in a piecemeal manner. As a result, many schools did not have the time and experience to identify the right tools needed for students. After all, there are many factors to consider: interoperability with existing infrastructure, class sizes and affordances, comfort, and hearing protection.

The cusp of a new dawn for education

There isn’t just one style of learning so why should there be just one type of learning device? Educators need to re-examine current solutions and investment priorities to ensure that the right tools are in place to meet different needs. This includes considering design alterations that must be made to deliver positive experiences – for example, a greater need to think about safety measures such as acoustic shock protection for younger learners. There is also an imperative to consider the needs of different age-groups, including device sizing and wearer comfort.

High-quality audio will prove to be a real differentiator in realizing students’ potential. Hybrid learning means that students and teachers can be anywhere on any given day – whether it’s in the classroom, at home or on the go. To ensure that hybrid learning remains effective as students begin to re-enter classrooms in some capacity, educators and students must consider and optimize the solutions available. This will improve the learning experience of students both inside and outside of physical classrooms.

Click for full article

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Looking for a job? Here’s why you should consider becoming a court reporter https://talktech.com/looking-for-a-job-heres-why-you-should-consider-becoming-a-court-reporter/ https://talktech.com/looking-for-a-job-heres-why-you-should-consider-becoming-a-court-reporter/#respond Tue, 23 Mar 2021 16:09:52 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=11110

Click Here for Video

EL DORADO, Ark. (KTVE/KARD) — Court reporters have a silent but significant role in our justice system but there is such a huge shortage of them in the ArkLaMiss and even across the nation.

From divorce courts to murder trials to hearings on the House and Senate floors, a court reporter always fills up the space in a courtroom even you may never know who they are or what they are doing.

“Court reporters have a wonderful job too and judges need them,” Certified Court Reporter, Shelley Tatum said.

Their accurate record of what’s going on is also helpful for lawyers, jurors, other court personnel and is especially helpful for those at risk of being incriminated while facing a lawsuit or on trial.

But why is there such a shortage of these professionals?

“They are unaware that you don’t have to use a college degree to become a court reporter. A lot of people don’t even understand what a court reporter does,” Director of Arkansas Court Reporting Academy, Heather Pierce said.

In addition, there are more people retiring and not enough people to fill these vacant positions. That’s why this organization is hoping to spread some awareness about this profession.

“This career is essential no matter what sickness is out there,” Tatum said. “I hope everyone checks into it. It’s a wonderful career for anybody needing something,” Tatum said.

ARCA is having more trouble finding interested individuals in the northeast and southern parts of Arkansas.

“We know of reporters that have had to stay in these areas throughout the week because there weren’t enough reporters in that area to cover trials,” Pierce said.

In years past, court reporters were trained to use a notepad and pen to transcribe words being said in the court room as it was happening in real-time. The key to a reporters’ speed was becoming skilled by using a form of shorthand.

Now, reporters are also trained to use a stenomask which is a hand-held microphone that they use to put over their nose and mouth.

“It’s actually easier. You’re speaking what is being put into the record,” Pierce said.

Shelley Tatum recently completed the ARCA course in October which teaches students how to effectively use this voice writing method.

She is a freelance reporter and retired Deputy Clerk in Jackson Parish. Due to the pandemic, she’s spent much of her time working from home.

“Most of the ones I’ve been doing have been at my kitchen table by zoom and that helps me a lot. This is the perfect job and I am enjoying this job. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done,” Tatum said.

Although Tatum has always had a passion for the court system and knows her way around the courtroom she says those who may not have much experience will also thrive.

“ARCA covers all of that. That is the best part. From the vocabulary words we need to learn, from the legal terms typing transcripts it’s completely covered. Plus, it’s self pace. You don’t move on until you have that week’s lesson down just perfectly and you feel confident about it,” Tatum said.

“So many that I took the course with, we all passed. Several of them had never been involved in any legal situation. They didn’t know what court reporters did either.”

According to ARCA, reporters could start off making between $65,000 to $68,000 per year.

“That’s good especially to not have gone to college for 4 years. That’s almost unheard of anymore,” Pierce said.

To learn more information you can visit Arkansas Court Reporting Academy website. The course is offered to anyone across the nation.

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Stenomask Review by North Dakota Assistive https://talktech.com/stenomask-review-by-north-dakota-assistive/ https://talktech.com/stenomask-review-by-north-dakota-assistive/#respond Wed, 23 Oct 2019 16:47:38 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=9900

Voice Isolating Microphone

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The #1 and #2 distractions in the workplace – other people talking https://talktech.com/the-1-and-2-distractions-in-the-workplace-other-people-talking-affordable-solution-https-talktech-com-stenomask-steno-sr/ https://talktech.com/the-1-and-2-distractions-in-the-workplace-other-people-talking-affordable-solution-https-talktech-com-stenomask-steno-sr/#respond Tue, 14 May 2019 23:54:54 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=9400 The most disruptive office distractions, ranked

Of all the distractions that come with working in an office, the biggest is not the room temperature or the traffic sounds from outside. It’s ourselves.

In a survey commissioned by office-equipment maker Poly and conducted by research firm Future Workplace, 76% of respondents said a co-worker talking loudly on the phone created a moderate, high, or very high level of distraction for them while at work in their primary workspace, making it the most commonly cited disruption in the survey. Noise from a co-worker talking nearby was cited by 65% of respondents.

The sound of coffee being made is a moderate to very high distraction for only 26%, while 46% said they were distracted by pets in the office (which was less than the 53% who reported moderate to very high distractions caused by visiting children).

The global study of designs and distractions in offices surveyed 5,150 employees who work at least three days minimum in a corporate environment.

There’s a growing backlash against open-office plans. Studies have found that open plans lead to decreased face-to-face collaboration and decreased productivity, particularly for creative people. Distractions at work are not just a problem for open offices, though. Only 61% of the survey respondents reported working in an open office, but 98% of everyone surveyed said they get distracted at work.

Here are the most disruptive office distractions, ranked from worst to least worst, based the percentage of respondents who described them as causing moderate to very high distraction levels:

  1. A co-worker talking loudly on the phone
  2. Co-workers talking nearby
  3. Phone rings or alerts
  4. Office celebrations (birthdays, retirement, new babies, etc.)
  5. Nearby group meetings
  6. Visiting children
  7. Team games across the office
  8. Visiting family members (other than children)
  9. Tables games (table tennis, football, video games, etc.)
  10. Pets in the office
  11. Outside sounds (cars, sirens, weather, landscaping work, barking dogs)
  12. A colleague eating
  13. Heating or air conditioning system
  14. Copy machine/printer
  15. Coffee being made

If the noise level in your workplace is harming productivity and well being there is a practical solution that can create privacy immediately at little cost. Stenomask is a noise isolation microphone, that keeps voice communications and transcriptions completely private and silent. It becomes a personal sound booth when used in conjunction with noise cancelling headphones. The U.S. military has been using this technology for over seventy years and it is now finding it’s way into today’s open offices and public spaces. Compatible with computers, phones, tablets and all speech recognition software, it is an affordable solution to a costly problem.

To find out more visit https://talktech.com/stenomask-steno-sr/

https://talktech.com/the-1-and-2-distractions-in-the-workplace-other-people-talking-affordable-solution-https-talktech-com-stenomask-steno-sr/feed/ 0
Revolutionary Device Removes Limitations for Students with Disabilities in the Classroom https://talktech.com/revolutionary-device-removes-limitations-for-students-with-dyslexia-in-the-classroom/ https://talktech.com/revolutionary-device-removes-limitations-for-students-with-dyslexia-in-the-classroom/#respond Wed, 24 Apr 2019 17:36:08 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=9332 Students with physical limitations and language based processing differences can now freely and confidently complete their notes, projects and exams alongside their classmates

Speech recognition is extremely beneficial for students with physical limitations and language based processing differences however it has been inconsistently implemented in the classroom over the years. The latest speech technology has improved by leaps and bounds in regards to ease of training and use. It is now surpassing human accuracy rates. If you haven’t used speech recognition with your students lately it is time to take another look.

There are two major issues students and teachers face when using speech recognition in the classroom. Privacy and accuracy.

How can a student use their voice in a classroom setting without being overheard by fellow students and at the same time eliminate all the chitter chatter and background noise that goes with it to attain optimal speech recognition accuracy rates?

Steno SR is a private speech recognition microphone that enables students to privately write with their voice in the classroom and have what they wrote read back to them with near perfect results. When combined with any speech recognition software (such as Dragon Naturally Speaking, Google Voice Typing, Apple Dictation or Windows 10 speech recognition software) it provides a seamless user experience that is both completely private and accurate.

We are seeing a dramatic increase in educators embracing this technology in the classroom. Students with physical impairments and learning disorders can now freely and confidently complete their notes, projects and exams alongside their classmates thus giving them a leg up as speech recognition dramatically improves productivity and engagement.

People that can benefit from Steno SR include users with:

Language-based processing differences like Dyslexia and Dysgraphia
Repetitive strain injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
Poor or limited motor skills handwriting or using a keyboard is difficult or not an option due to low vision or physical impairment
Vision impairments
Physical disabilities
Limited English Language

The benefits of Steno SR for students include improved access to the computer, increased writing skills, improved test scores and grades, increased independence, decreased anxiety towards writing and improvements in core reading and writing abilities.

Improved access in the classroom

For students with motor skill limitations, physical limitations, blindness/low vision, or other difficulties accessing a standard keyboard and mouse, hands-free computing through the use of speech recognition technologies are extremely beneficial. By removing the physical barriers to writing and navigation of the computer, you can increase student access to technology and classroom activities. Speech recognition software also includes text-to-speech features, the student can hear their text read aloud to them and correct their errors more independently.

Assistive speech recognition microphone for the classroom

Increased writing skills

For students with language based learning differences, speech recognition technology can encourage writing that is more thoughtful and deliberate. Studies with middle and high school students with learning disabilities have shown that input via speech is less challenging and that students frequently generate papers that are longer and better quality using speech recognition technologies.

Steno SR used in conjunction with a documentation program such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs reduces the difficulties that students face with writing mechanics. Because students can write naturally with speech recognition it eliminates potential obstacles such as difficulty with handwriting or the need to transcribe thoughts while brainstorming. Often writers with learning disabilities will skip over words when they are unsure of the correct spelling leading to pieces of writing that are short, missing key elements, or not reflective of the student’s true abilities. Speech recognition and word processing alleviate these concerns by allowing the student to get their thoughts out without worrying about these or other technical writing components.

Increase test scores and grades by decreasing anxiety

Steno SR removes the fear associated with writing tests and completing assignments. Test questions can be read aloud to the student eliminating any confusion concerning their connotative meaning while answers can be completed via voice without being overheard thus allowing the student to confidently complete tasks in a timely, grammatically correct and organized format.

In addition to allowing the student to work in a more independent manner, Steno SR allows students to voice write without fear of being overheard helping them avoid the anxieties associated with feeling embarrassment about their writing.

For students who are English Language Learners or are learning a second language it allows them to practice pronunciation in a safe, low-stress environment. Students can engage in multiple repetitions of an unfamiliar word without worrying about feeling embarrassed.

Increased independence

For students with physical limitations, poor motor skills or learning differences, a human transcriber or teacher assistant is a low-tech solution for the classroom that allows the focus to shift from the physical act of writing to expressing thoughts and knowledge. However, a transcriber makes the student dependent upon a teacher or aide for writing tasks. Students who use transcribers for writing often report spending less time planning and organizing because they felt they were keeping the transcriber waiting, or felt embarrassment about making mistakes or asking for multiple readings of what was written. Using speech recognition allows the student to be more independent in their writing and other academic activities.

Improvements in core reading and writing abilities

Steno SR can also serve a remedial function for students in the areas of reading and writing. In allowing students to see the words on screen as they dictate, students can gain insight into important elements of phonemic awareness, such as sound-symbol correspondence. As a student speaks and sees their words appear on the screen, the speech recognition directly demonstrates the relationship between how a word looks and sounds. This bimodal presentation of text can be especially helpful for students with learning disabilities, and is thought to be why speech recognition has been found effective in remediating reading and spelling deficits.

Another key benefit is the error correction process. As the text is recorded it requires user to check the accuracy of each word uttered as sentences are being dictated. When an error is made the student must find the correct word among a list of similar words and select it. This process necessitates that the user examine the word list closely, compare words that look or sound alike and make decisions about the best word for the specific situation. This can give kids a boost in reading and spelling as they learn to discriminate between similar words.

We have these at TRAID, they work awesome! Very accurate and quiet, the person next to the user cannot overhear”  David Selover- Assistive Technology Coordinator TRAID Center

“Comfortable and effective device! This works great in the classroom. My students can confidently use speech technology without bothering anyone around them” M. Shain, Tulane University 

Below is a review from a major assistive tech advocate in the UK – Ted Pratt.

I have just spent some time evaluating this product from Talk Technologies and must say that I was very impressed with the results.

Essentially it is a very special microphone for use with Dragon or indeed any propriety Speech to Text software.

It allows a student, or in fact anyone who needs to use speech to text under difficult circumstances such as :-

a) In a private capacity whilst in a classroom or lecture theater environment.

b) In a very noisy environment.

During tests I carried out I found that when the microphone was being used the person sitting next to me could not hear my voice at all, also with the radio turned up loud in close proximity to me I was still able to get 100% accuracy with Dragon.

The microphone has been used in Canada and the States for some time assisting students with specific learning difficulties, especially those with conditions such as Dyslexia and Asperger’s.

The standard Microphone is the Steno SR. This item is terminated with a standard 3.5mm TRS jack plug so is good for digital recorders and some laptops.  Where possible I would advise using the microphone with an Andrea Communications USB Adapter as that would offer much better sound circuitry and accuracy.

The mask can easily be cleaned with propriety cleaning products but a Hygiene pack is also available where masks have to be interchanged for different users.

Live demonstration video

https://talktech.com/revolutionary-device-removes-limitations-for-students-with-dyslexia-in-the-classroom/feed/ 0
Employee privacy in the US is at stake as corporate surveillance technology monitors workers’ every move https://talktech.com/employee-privacy-in-the-us-is-at-stake-as-corporate-surveillance-technology-monitors-workers-every-move/ https://talktech.com/employee-privacy-in-the-us-is-at-stake-as-corporate-surveillance-technology-monitors-workers-every-move/#respond Tue, 16 Apr 2019 15:37:16 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=9310 https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/15/employee-privacy-is-at-stake-as-surveillance-tech-monitors-workers.html

https://talktech.com/employee-privacy-in-the-us-is-at-stake-as-corporate-surveillance-technology-monitors-workers-every-move/feed/ 0
Noise at work is having a negative impact on health and productivity, new survey reveals https://talktech.com/noise-at-work-is-having-a-negative-impact-on-health-and-productivity-new-survey-reveals/ https://talktech.com/noise-at-work-is-having-a-negative-impact-on-health-and-productivity-new-survey-reveals/#respond Mon, 01 Apr 2019 21:45:58 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=9266

A survey of 1,000 UK-based office workers, 65% reported that noise in the workplace impacted on their ability to complete work in an accurate and timely manner. Nearly half (44%) said that noise had a negative impact on their overall well being, with over 40% reporting that noise at work caused them to feel stressed.

The ‘Noise and Well being at Work 2019’ survey has been conducted by intelligent business solutions company The Remark Group, supported by environmental psychologist and workplace strategist Dr Nigel Oseland, an honorary senior lecturer at UCL’s Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering.

Interestingly, the survey highlighted that 52% of people report they are interrupted by noise distractions more than five times in a working day, with 17% stating that they are interrupted more than 10 times a day.

Recent research suggests that every time we are interrupted, it takes 15 minutes to get back in a state of focus. This could mean over an hour of wasted time each day for over half of the workforce, contributing significantly to lost productivity.

Dr Nigel Oseland said:

“Remark’s research shows that noise is the biggest cause of dissatisfaction in the modern workplace, along with an associated loss of performance, increases stress and poorer well being.

“As more companies are adopting open plan design and agile working, the core challenge to the workplace community, designers and suppliers is to resolve office noise distraction and enhance focused work, whilst maintaining collaborative and creative environments. Remark’s research and services contribute to providing the solution.”

Sixty-four per cent of workers surveyed reported that they often suffer from a lack of privacy at work, with over half (51%) stating that they have overheard confidential or sensitive information being discussed in the office and nearly 70% have overheard a colleague being upset or distressed.

Over half of employee’s state that they are reluctant to speak about a confidential, business-sensitive or personal issue at work, for fear of being overheard, with 41% feeling anxious about being overheard and 45% reporting they feel anxious about hearing something they shouldn’t.

According to the survey, sudden bursts of noise are the most irritating in the workplace, with the most annoying being: colleagues’ telephone conversations (74%); personal conversations (65%); sudden laughter (62%); telephone ring tones (58%); doors slamming (56%); eating noises (55%); business conversations (53%); coughing/sneezing/sniffing (50%) and music (40%).

It is therefore no surprise that half of the workforce (46%) admit to having worn headphones in the office to block out or reduce noise distractions.

The office environment is incredibly important to employees, with 64% of employees reporting it impacts on their motivation to work and 42% stating that their workplace doesn’t encourage productivity.

Sixty-five of UK office workers state that the workplace environment would impact on their decision on accepting a job offer whilst a massive 80% report a good working environment would affect their decision to stay with a company.

The Remark Group specializes in designing and installing sound masking systems and solutions in offices throughout the UK, with contracts having included embassies, legal firms and NHS facilities.

Penelope Harrall of the Remark Group said:

“Roughly half of the UK work in open plan office environments, a system which was initially designed to encourage communication and collaboration between employees. Yet, with this design comes an increase in annoying and distracting workplace sounds, such as telephone ringtones, sudden bursts of laughter and phone conversations. These are proven to be distracting and have profound effects on employee stress levels and well being, not to mention the impact they have on loss in productivity.

“Compulsory in any new-build offices in the USA, sound masking systems operate to reduce both general office noises and conversational distractions, even in an open plan environment, and in turn increase performance levels, eliminate distractions and enhance the overall well-being of employees.”

Below are some more of the findings from the ‘Noise and Well-being at Work 2019’survey:

  • 51% of people have overhead a confidential topic being discussed outside of work, ie a GP surgery, hospital, lawyers’ office or school/college;
  • 54% say noise is an issue at work;
  • Over ¼ of offices don’t have private rooms for meetings;
  • 33% of offices don’t have a quiet, private place which employees can use, if needed;
  • 71% say their offices would benefit from a private place for discussions
  • 38% say their opinions on how to improve workplace environment are not valued by employer.
https://talktech.com/noise-at-work-is-having-a-negative-impact-on-health-and-productivity-new-survey-reveals/feed/ 0
How speech recognition gives people with dyslexia new terms for opportunity https://talktech.com/how-speech-recognition-gives-people-with-dyslexia-new-terms-for-opportunity/ https://talktech.com/how-speech-recognition-gives-people-with-dyslexia-new-terms-for-opportunity/#respond Wed, 13 Mar 2019 17:22:27 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=9165 Of all the learning difficulties facing people with dyslexia, it is reading and writing that proves to be the most demanding. The challenge to read effectively and efficiently can potentially have an adverse educational, professional and psychological effect on this group, and possibly negatively impact their views on schooling and education from an early age. 

Removing the communication barriers

For many people with dyslexia, speech recognition solutions like Dragon from Nuance Communications, is a transformative solution. Speech recognition uses the human voice as the main interface between the user and computer. While relatively simple to use, speech recognition software is highly sophisticated technology that leverages “language modelling” to recognize and differentiate among the millions of human utterances that make up any language.

Today, Dragon achieves 99 per cent recognition accuracy right from the first use, benefiting many individuals with accessibility issues, from carpal tunnel and Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) to learning disabilities. They face unique challenges when it comes to using a computer because the keyboard and mouse can be a barrier, not to mention a cause of pain and frustration. By taking away the mechanical aspects of typing, they have a less physically and cognitively taxing way to interact with the computer, making it easier and more comfortable to use. They can work hands-free and talk to create documents, send email and search and browse the internet, and control their computer by voice.

For people with dyslexia specifically, the keyboard is often a barrier that inhibits thoughts and ideas – which would flow eloquently when spoken – from being documented effectively. Those thoughts and ideas often end up lost through the process of typing. By removing the barrier, frustration is quickly turned into accomplishment, so students can focus on their thoughts and get them ‘on paper’ simply by speaking.

Through dedicated study and research, however, great advances have been made in understanding dyslexia, how it affects individuals and what needs to be done to provide support for those individuals from an early age. For many students with dyslexia, the increase of PCs in learning environments has benefited them by accelerating the delivery of an equal learning environment. When supported by a raft of assistive aids like document readers, screen readers and speech recognition technology like the Dragon family, people with dyslexia can enjoy all of the information sharing, communication and publishing offered by today’s PCs, laptops and other connected devices, and from an earlier age.

Making life easier 

Speech recognition is remarkable for its transformative assistive qualities is desktop speech. Although it is not a new technology or concept – in fact, Dragon is 20 years old this year! – its accuracy and ease of use has improved dramatically in the last few years, as indeed has its ubiquity. Today, speech technology can be found in products as diverse as Smartphones, Smart TVs, in cars and in healthcare applications, while it is increasingly a core component in the growing number of virtual assistants.

Today, Dragon’s core speech recognition innovation is at the heart of so many solutions from Nuance – ranging from automotive, healthcare, enterprise customer care and a wide range of speech recognition capabilities for the rapidly emerging Internet of Things. The technology set forth an evolution where even twenty years ago it was thought to be the start of where you could use your voice to finally set your VCR correctly or tell your microwave to not burn your popcorn. For those of you born around the same time as Dragon – yes, we had microwaves, and no, we’re not misspelling DVR – which now thanks to our Smart Home and TV solutions inspired by Dragon you can actually talk to, and find virtually any movie from any genre.

In the case of Dragon, the technology’s trump card for all users – whether they are affected by dyslexia or not – is its ease of use. Talking to a computer is for many a far easier and a more fluid and natural process than typing and using the keyboard and mouse.

Correction made simple

Perhaps one of the most valuable functions that the technology offers users with dyslexia is that, in addition to speech recognition, it also offers the ability to read text aloud. This makes it far easier for them to identify errors and correct their work quickly, to ensure that they’re submitting work for review that’s free from the spelling or grammar errors that used to detract from the quality of their written work in the past.

Technology that changes lives

Perhaps the most compelling case for using speech recognition comes from users like Law student Erin Winkles. She states that before using it, she was “always bottom of the class”. Her academic performance has been transformed now, however. She explains: “Since using it, my life has changed. I’m number one in my class and I think Dragon is the reason for this. It helps me put my thoughts down in a more coherent manner. I think it is wonderful and it helped me reach the top of the class.”

So, what do the next twenty years have in store? Nuance’s voice and language technologies will undoubtedly be at the heart of the world’s next generation applications and solutions and continue to define how we interact with the world around us – by voice. Of course, for people with dyslexia, it is an all-year round challenge, and Dyslexia Awareness Week 2017 exists to highlight that. With that in mind, it could be time to start thinking about the services and solutions you can offer either to education or business customers to serve any dyslexia needs they may have both now, and in the future.

https://talktech.com/how-speech-recognition-gives-people-with-dyslexia-new-terms-for-opportunity/feed/ 0
#7 Stenomask The 13 Handiest Gadgets For Business Travel https://talktech.com/7-stenomask/ https://talktech.com/7-stenomask/#respond Sat, 09 Mar 2019 18:38:34 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=9131
The 13 Handiest Gadgets For Business Travel
https://talktech.com/7-stenomask/feed/ 0
The Horace Webb Scholarship Application form is below. Applications now being accepted! All voice writing students encouraged to apply! https://talktech.com/the-horace-webb-scholarship-application-form-is-below-applications-now-being-accepted-all-voice-writing-students-encouraged-to-apply/ https://talktech.com/the-horace-webb-scholarship-application-form-is-below-applications-now-being-accepted-all-voice-writing-students-encouraged-to-apply/#respond Wed, 06 Mar 2019 17:06:52 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=9103 Horace Webb Scholarship Winners 2018 The Horace Webb Scholarship Application form is below. Applications now being accepted! All voice writing students encouraged to apply! Deadline is April 15. Good luck!

Testimonials – Horace Webb Scholarship Winners 2018

I was elated to win the Horace Webb scholarship in 2018. Not only did it help me pay for my final classes but receiving a free study guide and knowing that I can attend the test readiness class at no cost before my certification test helps to ease some of the stresses of testing. From earning this scholarship, I was also encouraged to attend the NVRA Convention in Myrtle Beach where I was exposed to invaluable information about the industry and was able to network and pick the brains of working professionals. The Horace Webb scholarship helped me feel more connected with the voice writing community.

Stefanie Sweet

Cuyahoga Community College

Last year, I was thrilled to learn that I had received the Horace Webb Scholarship for 2018!  It was so easy to apply for and the benefits were tremendous!  I mean, who can’t use a brand-new mask with all the accessories, $500 towards your school of choice, FREE first-time testing and test-prep workshop, plus other extras?  It was such a blessing to me and I am so thankful to have been chosen.  I am now a nationally certified court reporter from Realtime Voice Academy! I want to encourage those of you who are in school to apply for the Horace Webb Scholarship. You might get a nice surprise like I did! You will never know if you don’t try.  Good luck!

Mrs. Jo Hall, CVR, CCR

Nationally Certified Verbatim Reporter

Certified Court Reporter

Notary Public

I am so happy that I was one of the recipients of the 2018 Horace Webb Scholarship.  This award has helped me in many ways, especially financially.  I hope to take my certification tests in May 2019.  The scholarship has awarded me the opportunity to take these tests, along with a test readiness session, for free!  All of the prizes that I received have helped my education and have paved a way for my future success.        

Amber Payne

https://talktech.com/the-horace-webb-scholarship-application-form-is-below-applications-now-being-accepted-all-voice-writing-students-encouraged-to-apply/feed/ 0
Law enforcement microphone eliminates all background noise and protects privacy! https://talktech.com/law-enforcement-microphone-eliminates-all-background-noise-and-protects-privacy/ https://talktech.com/law-enforcement-microphone-eliminates-all-background-noise-and-protects-privacy/#respond Thu, 28 Feb 2019 06:42:10 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=9061 Privacy microphone eliminates all background noise and makes the sound of your voice inaudible to those around you.

As the demands for quality, timely and increasingly standardized police incident reporting continue to rise, cumbersome reporting processes can impact productivity, efficiency and officer safety in ever increasing loud and crowded public spaces. Our proprietary voice isolating micro sound booth technology ensures a safer and more accurate way to create incident reports and perform other essential tasks—all by voice.

Empower police officers and safety officials to keep up with documentation demands out in public and at the office. Easily integrate Talk Technologies professional-grade private dictation microphones into your documentation workflow, and enable officers to complete documentation requirements privately in real-time by voice—via computer, smartphones and tablets. Coupled with speech recognition software such as Dragon Law Enforcement, it allows you to achieve up to 100% voice to text accuracy in real-time by eliminating all background noise, without anyone overhearing a word you say. Going from your voice to your text document has never been more accurate or private.

About Talk Technologies: Talk Technologies Inc. founded in 1947 designs, manufactures and sells Stenomask to business, industry and institutions around the world. Some of our valued clients include: U.S. Army Inspector General- Pentagon, U.S. Naval Justice Institute, U.S. Coast Guard, National Guard Counter-drug Task Force, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and the NYC Department of Education.

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Nationwide demand for voice reporters skyrockets! A high paying career is attainable in as little as six months https://talktech.com/nationwide-demand-for-court-reporters-skyrockets-a-high-paying-career-is-attainable-in-as-little-as-six-months/ https://talktech.com/nationwide-demand-for-court-reporters-skyrockets-a-high-paying-career-is-attainable-in-as-little-as-six-months/#comments Thu, 10 Jan 2019 14:32:16 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=8851 steno-court-army
Verbatim Court Reporter Using Stenomask

Verbatim or voice court reporting can be a fulfilling, lucrative career, and with the current shortage, opportunities for young professionals are boundless.

In an age where a college education can mean nearly insurmountable debt and the job market is mediocre at best, court reporting is one career choice that is both affordable and in demand. A precise, accurate record of legal proceedings is a vital part of the justice system so there will always be a need for court reporters to ensure those records exist.

What is voice writing?

Voice writing is a method used for court reporting, and closed captioning. Using the voice writing method, a court reporter speaks directly into a stenomask – a hand-held mask containing one or two microphones and voice-dampening materials. As the reporter repeats the testimony into the recorder, the mask prevents the reporter from being heard during testimony.

Verbatim reporting may involve either real-time feeds of the proceeding or the preparation of a transcript following the proceeding’s conclusion. The stenomask is connected to a laptop computer, which is loaded with the latest speech recognition software, thereby allowing the voice writer’s spoken notes to be translated onto a screen via a real-time feed or into transcript form.

Voice writers enjoy very high accuracy rates, and many are drawn to the naturally effortless appeal of this career. Unlike traditional court reporters who utilize the stenography method of court reporting, voice writers need not learn stenography and shorthand. And, because the act of voice writing is far more streamlined than stenography, these professionals enjoy speeds of up to 350 words per minute.

The Shortage

Projections indicate that the shortage represents nearly 7,700 qualified reporters over the next 5 years. But why would such a lucrative industry experience this kind of shortage?

There are several factors at play:

  • Increased demand in the legal field — increased legal activity has driven the demand for qualified court reporters higher.

  • Increased demand in other industries — A growing number of fields (including business, politics, medicine, professional sports, television and many more) require real-time court reporters and transcriptions of conferences, seminars, and video.

  • Significant retirement rates — The median age of working court reporters is 52 years old. This is ten years older than the median age of workers in all occupations: 42 years old. Additionally, 70% of the court reporting population is 46 years or older. This contributes to significant retirement rates in the industry.

  • Low education and enrollment rates — Court reporting schools across the nation have reported a steady decrease in enrollment over the last two decades. The schools attribute this trend to low-awareness and the push toward four-year degree programs.

  • With high demand, high retirement, and low enrollment, there just are not enough reporters to go around. All these factors contribute to the imminent court reporter shortage, despite the rewarding opportunities the industry offers.

What This Means for Reporters

Current court reporters will experience an increased demand for their services. Court reporting firms and freelance reporters will likely encounter more and more opportunities for business. Some experienced professionals may even find themselves caught up in bidding wars for their expertise. However, as demand rises and professionals retire, court reporting firms and legal firms will find it increasingly difficult to hire qualified, quality reporters.

Prospective court reporters will find themselves entering a lucrative career with boundless opportunity.

There are countless benefits to pursuing court reporting

  • One of the primary benefits of becoming a court reporter is job security. While it might be a stretch to call any job completely safe from economic uncertainty, recession-proof jobs are the ones that stay in demand and don’t get impacted by periods of high inflation or recession. These careers offer high job security in comparison to others and might even thrive, regardless of the economy’s health.

  • Less demanding education requirements — An expensive, four-year college education is not necessary to become a court reporter. While continued education is valuable, you can become a certified voice reporter in as little as 6 months while studying online. Less time in school means fewer loans to repay.

  • High earning potential — The earning potential for a verbatim court reporter right out of school is an average of $55,000 nationwide, and this number drastically increases with experience. In fact, reporters who invest in continued education and advanced certification typically earn six-figure salaries.

  • Freelance options — With the variety of industries in need of court reporters, professionals can create freelance careers. This freelance path can be very rewarding and enables professionals to choose their own hours and create flexible schedules for themselves.

  • Stable career, growing demand and increased opportunities —Young professionals in the field will benefit from the various opportunities of this market. New court reporters will be embarking upon a lucrative and stable career.

For more information on becoming a verbatim court reporter/voice writer visit;


International Realtime Court Reporting Institute

The College of Court Reporting (CCR)

Realtime Voice Training

Cuyahoga Community College

Baton Rouge School of Court Reporting

Arlington Career Institute

Downey Adult School

West Valley College


Talk Technologies
+1 888-811-9944
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Silently transcribing during sensitive and rushed situations allows clinicians more time to focus on patient care https://talktech.com/silently-transcribing-during-sensitive-and-rushed-situations-allows-clinicians-more-time-to-focus-on-patient-care/ https://talktech.com/silently-transcribing-during-sensitive-and-rushed-situations-allows-clinicians-more-time-to-focus-on-patient-care/#respond Thu, 13 Dec 2018 18:35:35 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=8598
Clinicians can privately transcribe and communicate

Accurately document patient information without being overheard by others while additionally eliminating all background noise.


Voice technology in healthcare is not yet the ubiquitous application that we believe it will soon become. The major concerns are patient privacy, HIPAA compliance, potentially leaving confidential information unprotected and the challenge of clear voice communication in a noisy and busy clinical setting, particularly when complex medical vocabulary is required.

Many physicians use voice technology for clinical decision support and documentation in their office or home however they are much less inclined to do so in the presence of their patients.

There is a practical and affordable solution to this problem.

Talk Technologies engineers and manufactures specialized microphones (stenomasks) that allow clinicians to use speech recognition and verbally communicate in public without anyone overhearing them. Our voice isolating technology enables private transcription and verbal communication while simultaneously eliminating all background noise.

Stenomask functions like a sound-booth only in pocket sized form, guaranteeing clear voice communications in loud and busy clinical settings. There is no need to find a quiet and secure office to verbally document a patient’s sensitive information when using a stenomask. Whether you have the dictations transcribed by an assistant or use speech recognition software, the process is now completely private. Ensure your patients care plans are put in place quickly and privately so you can spend more time on patient care.


  • Complies with HIPAA privacy and security rules
  •  Decreases potential security risks and protects the privacy of individuals’ health information
  • Lightweight, affordable and road worthy durability
  • Compatible with all speech recognition software including Dragon medical
  • No start up time or learning curve, simply plug in and go
  • Doctors that use clinical speech recognition are 23% happier  
  • They feel more confident about technology and have a better experience
  • They move freely, spend more time with patients and can go home on time

Privately transcribing anywhere is an antidote to burnout. It helps doctors feel better about documentation, more satisfied and freer to practice as they see fit.

For more information click here or visit our website talktech.com

https://talktech.com/silently-transcribing-during-sensitive-and-rushed-situations-allows-clinicians-more-time-to-focus-on-patient-care/feed/ 0
Looking for a well paying, challenging career? There is a critical shortage of court reporters across the United States. https://talktech.com/looking-for-a-well-paying-challenging-career-there-is-a-critical-shortage-of-court-reporters-across-the-united-states/ https://talktech.com/looking-for-a-well-paying-challenging-career-there-is-a-critical-shortage-of-court-reporters-across-the-united-states/#respond Fri, 07 Dec 2018 18:37:50 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=8580 https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6476235483600031744

The good news is you can become a certified verbatim court reporter in as little as 6 months. https://lnkd.in/gheSkzy

https://talktech.com/looking-for-a-well-paying-challenging-career-there-is-a-critical-shortage-of-court-reporters-across-the-united-states/feed/ 0
The next hot workplace technology? Voice masking from Talk Technologies becomes a must-have for global companies https://talktech.com/the-next-hot-workplace-technology-voice-masking-from-talk-technologies-becomes-a-must-have-for-global-companies/ https://talktech.com/the-next-hot-workplace-technology-voice-masking-from-talk-technologies-becomes-a-must-have-for-global-companies/#respond Thu, 01 Nov 2018 23:51:25 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=8432 Voice masking technology becomes a popular solution to reduce noise distractions and protect speech privacy without impacting office aesthetics


https://talktech.com/the-next-hot-workplace-technology-voice-masking-from-talk-technologies-becomes-a-must-have-for-global-companies/feed/ 0
Groundbreaking assistive technology allows you to use Dragon speech recognition in public without anyone overhearing you https://talktech.com/groundbreaking-assistive-technology-allows-you-to-use-dragon-speech-recognition-in-public-without-anyone-overhearing-you/ https://talktech.com/groundbreaking-assistive-technology-allows-you-to-use-dragon-speech-recognition-in-public-without-anyone-overhearing-you/#respond Thu, 06 Sep 2018 16:11:06 +0000 https://talktech.com/?p=8333 https://www.einpresswire.com/article/461031634/groundbreaking-assistive-technology-allows-you-to-use-dragon-speech-recognition-in-public-without-anyone-overhearing-you

https://talktech.com/groundbreaking-assistive-technology-allows-you-to-use-dragon-speech-recognition-in-public-without-anyone-overhearing-you/feed/ 0